Hidden Chronicles Wiki
Bubble Safari 5
Quest Bubble Safari 5-icon
—Image © Zynga
Vital statistics
Tasks 3
Questline Bubble Safari Questline
Start NPC Bubbles
Rewards 700EstateCoins-icon, 325XP-icon
Scene Rewards Mardi Gras 1963
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Bubble Safari 4 -

Bubble Safari 5 is a Quest in Hidden Chronicles.


Quest Hummingbird Net-icon Collect 2 Hummingbird Nets
Have I mentioned how handy Hummingbirds are in Bubble Safari?
Quest Bubble Safari Level54-icon Reach Level 54 in Bubble Safari
Click here to play Bubble Safari.
Quest Task Wild Wheat Grass-icon Place 3 Flower Decorations
Open the marketplace and go to the Gardening category to buy any 3 flowers.


Share Bubble Safari-feed
—Image © Zynga
"Player" is monkeying around in Bubble Safari!
Bubbles the monkey has come to Hidden Chronicles in search of help and "Player" is popping bubbles like a pro! Here's some jungle largess to celebrate.

Explore beautiful scenes, find clues, and solve the mystery of Hidden Chronicles, the world's most social hidden object game.

Share Bonus: Estate Coins


Quest Bubble Safari 5-Tasks

Quest Tasks

Quest Bubble Safari 5-Rewards

Quest Rewards