Hidden Chronicles Wiki
Freeitem Gatehouse-icon
—Image © Zynga
Vital statistics
Category Building
Type Free Item
Size 6x2
Level ?
Source Zynga Gift
Materials yes
Waiting Time no
Crewmembers no
Cash Completion 124 EstateCash-icon
Estate Points 700 EstatePoints-icon
Limited Time
Start date 09/04/2012
End date TBA

The Gatehouse is a free gift from Zynga for players that logged on at April 9th, 2012.


Freeitem Gatehouse-preview

Building Requirements[]

Icon Name get free or Buy quantity Total
Material Copper Plate-icon Copper Plate Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x7 28 Estate Cash
Material Field Stones-icon Field Stones Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x5 20 Estate Cash
Material Leaded Window-icon Leaded Window Newsfeed 4 Estate Cash x5 20 Estate Cash
Material Slate Shingles-icon Slate Shingles Newsfeed 4 Estate Cash x5 20 Estate Cash
Material Window Hook Lock-icon Window Hook Lock Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x5 20 Estate Cash
Material Wrought Iron-icon Wrought Iron Newsfeed 4 Estate Cash x4 16 Estate Cash
124 Estate Cash
