Hidden Chronicles Wiki
Kelley's Pub
Marketplace Kelley's Pub-icon
—Image © Zynga
Invite your friend to enjoy the hospitality of your Pub
Vital statistics
Category Building->Architecture
Type Limited Edition Item
Level 5
Source Marketplace
Estate Coins 2350 EstateCoins-icon
Materials yes
Waiting Time no
Crewmembers no
Estate Points 400 EstatePoints-icon
Limited Time
Start date 10-Mar-2012
End date 23-Apr-2012

The Kelley's Pub is a Building that was released as part of the St. Patrick's Day Event in Hidden Chronicles.

Building Requirements[]

Icon Name get free or Buy quantity Total
Material Beer Tap-icon Beer Tap Newsfeed 5 Estate Cash x5 25 Estate Cash
Material Brass Rail-icon Brass Rail Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x6 24 Estate Cash
Material Brick-icon Brick Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x6 24 Estate Cash
Material Keg-icon Keg Newsfeed 4 Estate Cash x5 20 Estate Cash
Material Striped Awning-icon Striped Awning Neighbor 4 Estate Cash x6 24 Estate Cash
117 Estate Cash
