Hidden Chronicles Wiki

Secret Package (icon)

Secret packages can be left as a special gift on your Neighbor's estate. You both get Reputation and Estate Coins for placing and opening the package. After you found all packages on your Estate you can share a reward on your newsfeed.

Help To Find Hidden Packages[]

Sometimes hidden packages can be hard to find so here's a few tips to consider:-

Hidden Packages-animation
  • Blending into surroundings - sometimes packages can simply blend into the surroundings of your Estate.

  • Behind Coin Fountain Bubble - if you have the Coin Fountain check behind the bubble by either clicking it to collect the reward or by using the move tool to move the fountain to a different location. (see image)

  • Behind Neighbors Challenge Icons - if like me you have a lot of neighbors challenging you to beat their FastFind score, packages could be hidden behind those. (see image)

Limited Edition Packages[]

Zynga first introduced the option to leave Limited Edition Secret Packages in March 2012 they are usually issued alongside associated limited edition events. Below is a list of the limited edition packages issued so far.

Icon Actual
Associated Event
Secret Package Egg-icon
Secret Package Egg-small
Spring 2012 Event
Secret Package Basket-icon
Sectret Package Basket-small
Mother's Memories (Mother's Day Event)


Share Secret Package-feed
—Image © Zynga
All hidden packages found!
"Player" found all the gifts left by friends and neighbors. Here's a thank you bonus for all of you!
Share Bonus: 50 Estate Coins
